Small Groups

PUMBC provides a caring and loving place of worship, where spiritual expressions can be developed through Christian education, ministries, and fellowship, in order to grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ and to make disciples of the global community.

Progressive Union Missionary Baptist Church, Huntsville Al, Pator Snodgrass, best black church, black church in huntsville, baptist church, ministry, bereavment
Progressive Union Missionary Baptist Church, Huntsville Al, Pator Snodgrass, best black church, black church in huntsville, baptist church, ministry, we care
Progressive Union Missionary Baptist Church, Huntsville Al, Pator Snodgrass, best black church, black church in huntsville, baptist church, ministry AIMS
Bereavement Ministry

The death of a loved one is a painful and intense experience for most people. Having the right support system can make that experience bearable.  Our  ministry helps people through the grief cycle.

We Care Ministry

This ministry sends cards to our sick and shut-in as well as our bereaved.

Aid to Inmate Mothers (AIMs)

AIMs provides visitation transportation for children/family members of inmates at Tutwiler Prison.  This trip is scheduled once every quarter and any other time when needed.